The final rule to list the Magnificent Ramshorn as an endangered species with critical habitat (Docket No. FWS–R4–ES–2022–0070) is scheduled to publish in the Federal Register on Friday, August 18, 2023. The effective date is September 18, 2023.
The Magnificent Ramshorn has a narrow documented historical range in southeastern North Carolina; it inhabited freshwater ponds in Brunswick and New Hanover Counties, and it is believed to be extirpated in the wild. The species currently survives in three captive breeding facilities, and the Service plans to work with partners to increase propagation that will support reintroduction of snails into the wild and support recovery.
Public inspection: The document was placed on the Federal Register's public inspection page on August 17, 2023. A direct link to this rule can be found here (Document number 2023-17670).