The Duke chapter of the Student Association of Wetland Scientists (SAWS) is hosting a mitigation panel. We have 4 professionals from 4 different sectors that are all involved in wetland and stream mitigation and restoration to answer all of your questions about mitigation in NC. Afterwards, there will be food, beverages and a chance to talk with the next wave to join the world of environmental professionals – Duke Master of Environmental Management students, and PhD students from the Environmental and Earth and Ocean Sciences programs. So, bring your business cards and your appetite!
Join us Wednesday November 13 from 5:30 to 7 in the Levine Science Research Center, room A 158 for an evening of career exploration and stories of restoring some of the awesome streams and wetlands in NC and the southeast US.
5:30-6:30 Panel & Questions
6:30-7 The Duke Water Network Networking Event
-Heavy hors d'oeuvres, beverages & networking (bring your business cards!)
- Barbra Doll (Sea Grant)
- Mac Haupt (NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program)
- Kristin Weidner (Stantec)
- Norton Webster (EBX)
Public parking (pay) will be available at the Bryan Center (MitigationPanelMap.pdf).
So that we can provide enough food, please RSVP to this link. If you have any questions you would like to be asked by the moderator, please send them along to Jessie Howington (